Kite 3 migration issues : connection was closed uncleanly (None)

joe edited April 2018 in Python client
I am migrating my existing code to kite3.

I am trying to fetch the quotes in an interval of 5 seconds. Providing the code snippet below
from kiteconnect import KiteTicker
import logging
import pprint
import datetime
import sys
import time
import traceback

api_key = API_KEY
access_token = ACCESS_TOKEN

def on_ticks(kws,ticks ) :
print('waiting for 5 sec')

def on_connect( kws , response) :
print("inside on connect")
subscriptionlist = [907777]

print( subscriptionlist )
kws.subscribe( subscriptionlist )
kws.set_mode(kws.MODE_FULL, subscriptionlist)

def main():
print('calling main function')

kws = KiteTicker( api_key , access_token )
print('Established websocket connection')

kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
kws.on_connect = on_connect

print('calling KWS.connect')
response = kws.connect( threaded=False, disable_ssl_verification=True, proxy=None)
print('finished kws connect process')

exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
msg = ''.join('!! ' + line for line in lines)
print (msg)
print('closing connections')

if __name__ == "__main__":

calling main function
Established websocket connection
calling KWS.connect
inside on connect
[{'oi_day_low': 0, 'last_price': 6432.6, 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}], 'sell': [{'quantity': 115, 'price': 6432.6, 'orders': 6}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}]}, 'last_quantity': 2, 'oi': 0, 'oi_day_high': 0, 'change': -0.8401288711442709, 'sell_quantity': 115, 'volume': 4082, 'ohlc': {'open': 6480.0, 'close': 6487.1, 'high': 6549.95, 'low': 6395.05}, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 17, 15, 47, 44), 'mode': 'full', 'tradable': True, 'buy_quantity': 0, 'instrument_token': 907777, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 17, 15, 29, 53), 'average_price': 6464.58}]
waiting for 5 sec
Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (None)
Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (None)
inside on connect

I am getting the quotes, but after each 5 seconds I am getting the same warning. Is it because I am not stopping the web socket connection correctly?

Also when I stop the script manually. I need to restart the kernel each time otherwise I am getting the below issue.


ERROR:kiteconnect.ticker:Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
ERROR:kiteconnect.ticker:Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)

Can anyone help me to solve this?

  • Vivek
    I wouldn't suggest you to wrap the logic with try except block because once you do kws.connect( threaded=False, disable_ssl_verification=True, proxy=None) current thread is blocked and there won't be any exception raised even if it's an error in your callback implementations. Instead it will be sent in on_error with the message.
    Also when I stop the script manually. I need to restart the kernel each time otherwise I am getting the below issue.
    You need to use
    before restarting.
  • sujith
    You need to call ws.stop() inside on_close callback to actually close the thread. You can check out the example here.
  • joe
    joe edited April 2018
    Hi Vivek/Sujith,

    Thank you for your comments.
    I have modified the code with ws.stop and removed the try - except block.
    from kiteconnect import KiteTicker
    import logging
    import pprint
    import datetime
    import sys
    import time
    import traceback

    api_key = "API KEY"
    access_token = "ACCESS TOKEN"

    def on_ticks(ws,ticks ) :
    print('waiting for 5 sec')

    def on_connect( ws , response) :
    print("inside on connect")
    subscriptionlist = [907777]

    print( subscriptionlist )
    ws.subscribe( subscriptionlist )
    ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, subscriptionlist)

    def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    # On connection close stop the main loop
    print('inside the on close')

    def on_error(ws, code, reason):
    print('inside the error block')

    def main():
    print('calling main function')

    kws = KiteTicker( api_key , access_token )
    print('Established websocket connection')

    kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
    kws.on_connect = on_connect
    kws.on_close = on_close
    kws.on_error = on_error

    print('calling KWS.connect')
    kws.connect( threaded=False, disable_ssl_verification=True, proxy=None)
    print('finished kws connect process')

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    But I am still getting the same issues. Now i am getting the response only once and the connections is getting called with the same error message.

    calling main function
    Established websocket connection
    calling KWS.connect
    inside on connect
    [{'ohlc': {'low': 6417.65, 'high': 6595.0, 'open': 6417.65, 'close': 6432.6}, 'buy_quantity': 12865, 'oi_day_low': 0, 'last_quantity': 1, 'mode': 'full', 'last_price': 6501.6, 'oi': 0, 'sell_quantity': 6093, 'tradable': True, 'instrument_token': 907777, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 14, 45, 38), 'average_price': 6547.96, 'volume': 6881, 'depth': {'sell': [{'orders': 2, 'price': 6501.6, 'quantity': 2}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6506.6, 'quantity': 1}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6515.95, 'quantity': 1}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6516.0, 'quantity': 2}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6520.0, 'quantity': 5}], 'buy': [{'orders': 1, 'price': 6501.55, 'quantity': 2}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6500.05, 'quantity': 1}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6500.0, 'quantity': 3}, {'orders': 1, 'price': 6495.05, 'quantity': 4}, {'orders': 2, 'price': 6495.0, 'quantity': 11}]}, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 14, 45, 41), 'oi_day_high': 0, 'change': 1.0726611323570563}]
    waiting for 5 sec

    "Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (None)
    Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (None)"

    inside the error block
    connection was closed uncleanly (None)
    inside the on close
    connection was closed uncleanly (None)
    finished kws connect process

    And while restarting getting the error:

  • zartimus
    zartimus edited April 2018
    There is a ping loop going on here.
    And you are disrupting it with sleeping 5 seconds inside on_ticks which is wrong. Remove sleep and it will work. I m seeing many forum threads which opposes the way websocket client is supposed to work. If you enable the debug mode on kiteticker, you can pin point what is going wrong and where.
  • joe
    Hi zartimus,
    Then how can I add an interval of 5 seconds ?.
    I am looking for a controlled stream in a custom interval
  • zartimus
    zartimus edited April 2018
    @joe Well for starters, you can initialise a start_time variable in the first tick and end_time for every ticks, calculate the difference in the end_time and start_time is greater than 5 and proceed with processing the ticks. Using signals inside event loop would be the desirable way.

    Note that `ws.stop()` should only be used inside `on_close` callback when you are sure to quit the ticker instead of the default ticker reconnection mechanism.
  • joe
    I removed the sleep part as you suggested.
    calling main function
    Established websocket connection
    calling KWS.connect
    inside on connect
    [{'volume': 7697, 'last_quantity': 1, 'oi_day_low': 0, 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 1, 'price': 6505.05, 'orders': 1}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}], 'sell': [{'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}]}, 'tradable': True, 'oi': 0, 'instrument_token': 907777, 'ohlc': {'low': 6417.65, 'open': 6417.65, 'high': 6595.0, 'close': 6432.6}, 'sell_quantity': 0, 'oi_day_high': 0, 'buy_quantity': 1, 'average_price': 6543.31, 'mode': 'full', 'change': 1.126294188974906, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 16, 15, 25), 'last_price': 6505.05, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 15, 29, 58)}]
    waiting for 5 sec

    Now Nothing is coming after this. The script is still running but nothing is getting printed.

    And about processing the ticks with time difference, once we start the streaming there will be a continuous output. In that case do we have to stop and reconnect each time?
  • zartimus
    zartimus edited April 2018
    @joe Please post your code

    Here is a sample
    import time

    start_time = None
    first_tick_flag = True

    def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
    global first_tick_flag , start_time
    if first_tick_flag:
    first_tick_flag = False
    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = time.time()
    # Somehow i m only interested in 5 second intervals ticks
    if int(end_time - start_time) >= 5:
    start_time = end_time
    print "Ticks: %s" % ticks
    # Process ticks from 5 seconds interval
  • joe
    Here is the code

    from kiteconnect import KiteTicker
    import logging
    import pprint
    import datetime
    import sys
    import time
    import traceback

    api_key = API_KEY
    access_token = ACCESS_TOKEN

    def on_ticks(ws,ticks ) :
    print('inside on ticks')
    print('waiting for 5 sec')

    def on_connect( ws , response) :
    print("inside on connect")
    subscriptionlist = [907777]

    print( subscriptionlist )
    ws.subscribe( subscriptionlist )
    ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, subscriptionlist)

    def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    # On connection close stop the main loop
    print('inside the on close')

    def on_error(ws, code, reason):
    print('inside the error block')

    def main():
    print('calling main function')

    kws = KiteTicker( api_key , access_token, reconnect=True, debug = True )
    print('Established websocket connection')

    kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
    kws.on_connect = on_connect
    kws.on_close = on_close
    kws.on_error = on_error

    print('calling KWS.connect')
    kws.connect( threaded=False, disable_ssl_verification=True, proxy=None)
    print('finished kws connect process')

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    calling main function
    Established websocket connection
    calling KWS.connect
    2018-04-18 20:33:07+0530 [-] Log opened.
    2018-04-18 20:33:07+0530 [-] inside on connect
    2018-04-18 20:33:07+0530 [-] [907777]
    2018-04-18 20:33:08+0530 [-] inside on ticks
    2018-04-18 20:33:08+0530 [-] [{'buy_quantity': 1, 'mode': 'full', 'volume': 7697, 'change': 1.126294188974906, 'oi_day_high': 0, 'last_price': 6505.05, 'instrument_token': 907777, 'depth': {'buy': [{'quantity': 1, 'price': 6505.05, 'orders': 1}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}], 'sell': [{'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}, {'quantity': 0, 'price': 0.0, 'orders': 0}]}, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 16, 15, 25), 'oi_day_low': 0, 'average_price': 6543.31, 'oi': 0, 'sell_quantity': 0, 'last_quantity': 1, 'tradable': True, 'last_trade_time': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 18, 15, 29, 58), 'ohlc': {'low': 6417.65, 'close': 6432.6, 'high': 6595.0, 'open': 6417.65}}]
    2018-04-18 20:33:08+0530 [-] waiting for 5 sec

    nothing is coming after this
  • zartimus
    zartimus edited April 2018
    @joe 907777 -> TTKPRESTIG
    Can you see any tick on kite app? Please check with instruments that gives you ticks :) Try 53556743
  • Dileep
    hi..@zartimus while upgrade to kite 3.0 i am getting the error as below
    how to resolve it?
  • zartimus
    @Dileep This is fine, we are ignoring bdist_wheel. Check the last line. It says successfully installed kiteconnect.
  • joe
    joe edited April 2018
    Hi Zartimus,
    Yes you are right. I changed the token and now I am getting the continuous feed.

    But whenever I am stopping the script and trying to restart , then I am getting the following error.


    I am running the code from jupyter. If I restart the kernel, then it's working.

    I have used, ws.stop in on_close and on_error as per the previous comments. But still the same issue.
  • joe
    Also getting the below error whenever I try to stop the script by adding ws.stop() or kws.close() inside on_tick

    Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
    Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)

    what is the difference between ws.stop and kws.close()
  • zartimus
    zartimus edited April 2018
    1. Please double check this
    2. ReactorNotRestartable is self explanatory. You simply cannot restart the ticker in the same process.
    3. Explanation to `stop` and `close` meths are defined in the docstrings here
This discussion has been closed.