Websocket subscription

what is maximum instruments that can be subscribed pre Websocket connection?
What is the maximum Websocket connections possible per access token?
Is it possible to change the instruments subscription list while Websocket is streaming?
  • rakeshr
    what is maximum instruments that can be subscribed pre WebSocket connection?
    You can subscribe up to 1000 instruments in a single WebSocket connection.
    What is the maximum WebSocket connections possible per access token?
    Maximum of three websocket connections per api_key is allowed.So, three socket connection can fetch upto 3000 instruments.
    Is it possible to change the instruments subscription list while WebSocket is streaming?
    Websocket streams list/array of stocks instrument token feed.You can change this any time, in your code logic.
  • Guhan
    @rakeshr, I am looking to dynamically change the subscription list in a live web socket connection, how to do that? is there an example in python?
  • sujith
    You can check out example here.
  • vineshmaster
    How many tokens_per_process can be added ? Cause i can't find any details regarding it
  • sujith
    You may refer to the documentation to know more about the Websocket API.
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