why does the code in python disconnect while fetching websocket data

i am running something like this to fetch data from websocket to csv

python gettingdata.py >> data.csv

but this automatically disconnects after some time
  • rakeshr
    Can you give us more detail about the above issue? Is there any error, while connecting to WebSocket?
  • genesis
    there is no error while connecting to websocket but it closes down after some time unknowingly
  • sujith
    This might happen when your main thread which is listening to ticks is overloaded. Try offloading your task to a secondary thread after you receive a tick.
  • genesis
    if i make it threaded like this :


    it exits straight away

    if i write something like this :

    while True:
    if kws.is_connected():
    if kws.is_connected():

    it is not able to get data for all the symbols.

    i would also like to know if it is possible for us to tell the websocket not to get data for certain tokens after their exchange time is over , like not getting data for nse equities , fno , options after 3:30 pm , cds and its options after 5:00 pm and likewise for commodities after 11:55 pm ?
  • genesis
    @sujith , @rakeshr , it would be helpful if you could reply to this ?
  • naz
    @genesis : are you running your code on ubuntu machine. We are facing the same issue of "kws.connect(threaded=True) - exits straight away".
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  • zartimus
    Instead of redirecting stdout to file, you could simply write that logic inside your script.
    Websocket disconnects can occur due to several problems. But we do have re-connection mechanism to handle such cases.

    Speaking of reconnection , please note that doing a `ws.stop()` inside `on_close` callback will stop the underlying event loop which takes care of the websocket connection. And no reconnection will happen then. So if you have a ws.stop() inside on_close callback and still wants the reconnection, please remove it. Ref comments in https://github.com/zerodhatech/pykiteconnect#websocket-usage.
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