Multiple web-socket connections is not possible in KiteNet. KiteNet supports only single web-socket connection per instance (process), so effectively you can subscribe up to 1000 symbols (API Limit) per instance (process).
You can run 2 or more KiteXL in separate laptop/server with symbols equally distributed. Or With some hack, you can run two isolated excel process in same system, if isolated, you can open 2 different workbook in same system, both workbook will work independently (Not tested by us).
You can subscribe up to the maximum permissible limit set by Kite API. As per the screenshot, it looks like the limit is 3000 per socket. So you can subscribe up to 3000 ticker per instance (process) in KiteNet
@HowUTrade but do you guys have kept 2000 tiker limit for kitxl wrapper for KiteNet? if not i will try to subscribe more tickers in kitexl, if yes, will you please increase the limit to 3000! of course i will using much less than that but if in case required one time data of all stickers, thank u!
Yes got it working!
5000 per instance of kitexl?
How are the orders from kitexl routed to kite connect servers? How we get data feed from kite API? Is it routed through any third party server e.g like yours? How do u get to know about orders placed? How do I get SMS or email of order or update? How do u monitize your product KiteXl?
We have set 5000 as limit. So you won't have any problem up to 3000 symbols......created the option chain yday and reached the limit of 3000. Id doesn't seem it's set to 5000?
Yes eroor was same in the celll saying 'maximum ticker limit reached' when tried to subscribe more than 3000 tickers as demanded by option chain and I used only 9 expiries per symbol!
But few days back it seemed ticker limit was no more problem so i ventured on creating option chains for all f and o stocks!
i have subscribed for 500 eq nse stocks, near date 204 fut, and near expiry 9*2*204=3672 option 4376 but i am getting following errors !windows 10, 64bit Excel! screenshot attached! @HowUTrade
Multiple web-socket connections is not possible in KiteNet.
KiteNet supports only single web-socket connection per instance (process), so effectively you can subscribe up to 1000 symbols (API Limit) per instance (process).
You can run 2 or more KiteXL in separate laptop/server with symbols equally distributed. Or
With some hack, you can run two isolated excel process in same system, if isolated, you can open 2 different workbook in same system, both workbook will work independently (Not tested by us).
Also same API key and secret should work for two different instances if I could run two instances at all?
We don't have any plan on this.
Yes, you can use the same API at 2 different places (Maximum 3 instances).
You can subscribe up to the maximum permissible limit set by Kite API.
As per the screenshot, it looks like the limit is 3000 per socket.
So you can subscribe up to 3000 ticker per instance (process) in KiteNet
We have set 5000 as limit. So you won't have any problem up to 3000 symbols.
5000 per instance of kitexl?
How are the orders from kitexl routed to kite connect servers? How we get data feed from kite API? Is it routed through any third party server e.g like yours? How do u get to know about orders placed? How do I get SMS or email of order or update? How do u monitize your product KiteXl?
@HowUTrade @sujith
It is answered here
Every API calls happens between you (Excel) and Kite server, nothing is involved in between.
Regarding the monetize part, we are going to charge Rs 100/month to use KiteNet as Maintenance/Developer charges from Jan/Feb 19
Did it throw any error?
But few days back it seemed ticker limit was no more problem so i ventured on creating option chains for all f and o stocks!
You can try the steps mentioned here
BTW, this 5000 limit is for KiteNet, subject to maximum allowed at API level.
Anyways kitexl is still the best trading platform!