Hi, I have been using Zerodha desktop client to analyze trades. However I observed descripancy in output from Zerodha graph for 15 minutes chart. I tried to load https://kite.zerodha.com/chart/web/ciq/NFO-FUT/NIFTY19JULFUT/11870210 at the end of day (10:30 PM) and volumes to be different every time I refresh. An example call that I got from firebug: /11870210/15minute?&from=2019-07-01&to=2019-07-10&ciqrandom=1562777853327
When I refresh the volume flips between: 746550 & 743775 almost every time. Can you please help? This leads to change in some of the indicators I was using on every refresh.
Similarly when I fetch data for 8th July for the timestamp: 2019-07-08T12:00:00+0530 the open price also changes from 11643.85 -> 11641.6 Such variance change many indicators across refreshes.
Such variance change many indicators across refreshes.
You can have look to this thread.
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