Intraday historical data for all equity symbols

Can I get Intraday historical data for all equity symbols at all time frames (NSE,BSE).
For example, Symbol : TCS, Time Frames : 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m,1h

If can get, howmany days of history i can get?
  • rakeshr
    You can go through this thread.
  • SudhakarC
    SudhakarC edited May 2020
    Hi @rakeshr , Sorry. Your reply is not fulfill my query. How can i get historical data based on the time frame (Time Frames : 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m,1h). For example, if i need 5m record means, expected data will be 9.15, 9.20,9.25,9.30 etc. If i need 10m record means, expected data will be 9.15,9.25,9.35,9.45 etc.
  • sujith
    You can refer to this thread.
  • sujith
    You need to give the start and end time as mentioned in the documentation. But we don't recommend using historical data for live strategies.
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