I am using this code in VB.net, to place a order: Rsp = KT.PlaceOrder(Constants.EXCHANGE_NFO, TradedInstrument, Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL, QTY, Nothing, Constants.PRODUCT_NRML, Constants.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET)
and this to display the order status in a datagrid: Rsp.ToList() DGV2.DataSource = Rsp.ToList
In the data grid I see 2 returned values "Key" and "Value". In these I get "Status", "success" and "data", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]".
How do I get the actual returned message from the placeorder() function, something like "insufficient funds"? Any help is appriciated.
A success for order place API means the order is placed successfully, it doesn't mean the order is executed. Once you get a success response you need to fetch orderbook and check the status and status message of that order.
Once you get a success response you need to fetch orderbook and check the status and status message of that order.
I'll try and search how to fetch the order book. Can you give a quick line where I can check a quick VB.net code for this.
If you don't follow, you may use some tool online to convert that to VB code.