I am frequently seeing lots of wierd numbers in the depth of market data getting returned from Web sockets.
Now, theorotically, bids & asks can only be in 0.5 increments (ie: the Tick size). Your UI's also seem to validate and ensure that this happens. However, as I can see, the depth of market does frequently contain funny data like this. And just to check, I checked Candles and never seemed to get any non rounded off numbers there.
I hope there is a straight forward explanation for this. Can somebody please clarify ?
Is this about KiteConnect websockets?
Both the Websockets & Candles API return non-tick rounded off Data.
Take a look at Unitech. You will see lots of closing entry for *.06/*.07 etc.
What gives ?
Almost every OHLC entry has numbers like 4.XY where Y is not 0 or 5 as should be the case.