It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
{'account_id': 'xx',
'unfilled_quantity': 0,
'order_id': '210607002557637',
'exchange_order_id': '1000000015031293',
'parent_order_id': None,
'status': 'COMPLETE',
'order_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_update_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'variety': 'regular',
'exchange': 'NFO',
'tradingsymbol': 'NIFTY2161015700PE',
'instrument_token': 12236290,
'order_type': 'MARKET',
'transaction_type': 'BUY',
'validity': 'DAY',
'product': 'NRML',
'quantity': 375,
'disclosed_quantity': 0,
'price': 0,
'trigger_price': 0,
'average_price': 69.43,
'filled_quantity': 375,
'pending_quantity': 0,
'cancelled_quantity': 0,
'market_protection': 0,
'meta': {},
'tag': None,
'guid': '32499XFDjRiKXV1wvY'},
'order_id': '210607002557637',
'exchange_order_id': '1000000015031293',
'parent_order_id': None,
'status': 'OPEN',
'order_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_update_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'filled_quantity': 0,
'pending_quantity': 375,
'order_id': '210607002557637',
'exchange_order_id': '1000000015031293',
'parent_order_id': None,
'status': 'UPDATE',
'status_message': None,
'status_message_raw': None,
'order_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_update_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'exchange_timestamp': '2021-06-07 11:25:02',
'filled_quantity': 150,
'pending_quantity': 225,
I feel that you should have a better mechanism of mentioning all these issues in the documentation so that we don't have to discover them during live trades.
Please close this thread.