Historical data availability

What are the dates from which historical data is available?
From running a query on NIFTY 50, I find that
  • Daily data is available from 2006-01-02
  • One minute data is available from 2015-01-09
Is this the correct data availability or is there any more historical data that could be retrieved?
Also, can I retrieve historical data for a symbol that is currently not trading (assuming I know the instrument token)
  • sujith
    Hi @Ram,
    Yes, we have day candle data from 2006 for NIFTY 50. Intraday candles are available from 2015.
    We don't have more data. We serve whatever data we have on the data server.

    I think for some NSE stocks, day candle data is available prior to this also. You will have to do trial and error to figure out. The availability of data is not fixed on a particular day. It was populated from some other source long back. So whatever was available we had populated.
  • Ram
    Thank you very much.
  • PiggsyPie
    Daily data is available from 2006-01-02
    One minute data is available from 2015-01-09
    Is this info still accurate?
    It appears minute data is available only after Feb 2015.
  • sujith
    For some instruments, it might be there are for some it might not be there. We had populated data from a vendor and had done some cleanup because of a lot of errors. You will have to do some trial and error since it is not a fixed date.
  • phanikumar
    What about F&O. Do you have historical intraday data?
  • sujith
    @phanikumar, We don't provide intraday data for expired F&O instruments.
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