Dear Sujith Thanks for replying, I have't subscribed to the package as I could not find anything regarding historical add-ins on create application page in the developer portal, I only require current day interday data, websocket api only provides current tick without any timestamp, is there any api to get just minute wise interday data without using historical api
@sujith So I have to pay 4000 even if I just want to have access to Candles API? This was not the case when you first started, is not it? I have purchased an APP today (which mentioned 'Full fledged trading API') and I am only seeing ADDON option while editing the newly created APP data.
I am actually not ready to place/modify orders etc... I only needed historical API access. I have purchased the APP assuming historical will be included in 'Full fledged trading API'). What should I do now?
@sujith@Kailash@vivek I missed adding you folks to the message. Can you please care to comment to my above query? Also what will I get back if I cancel my subscription today (I purchased the APP today too)?
@fury1984 Since the Candles API has no execution functionality, we don't provide access to it as a standalone API. The Kite Connect APIs are intended to be an execution suite and not a data vending service, so providing access to the Candles API without Connect doesn't make sense.
@fury1984 Also, with regard to your query regarding app cancellation, unfortunately, once an app is created, 2000 credits are immediately consumed and you may run the app for a month. Cancellation would lead to a loss of the consumed credits.
Historical data api is not a part of base package, it's an add-on. Do you have historical data subscription?
Thanks for replying, I have't subscribed to the package as I could not find anything regarding historical add-ins on create application page in the developer portal,
I only require current day interday data, websocket api only provides current tick without any timestamp,
is there any api to get just minute wise interday data without using historical api
I am afraid there is no other api. You can get it only using historical data.
It is mentioned in pricing section. checkout
I am actually not ready to place/modify orders etc... I only needed historical API access. I have purchased the APP assuming historical will be included in 'Full fledged trading API'). What should I do now?