It's not wrong but the last updated price. That's what we receive from OMS. To fetch the current pending trigger/limit price, you need to fetch the required pending order from the orderbook and check it's the price. If for any reason price update is failed, reason will be updated under the status field.
@jinalpatelcsoft, The postback is sent by the OMS team, we will ask them to look into this. In the meanwhile, we suggest you use postback as the trigger to fetch orderbook and check if the value is updated.
To fetch the current pending trigger/limit price, you need to fetch the required pending order from the orderbook and check it's the price. If for any reason price update is failed, reason will be updated under the status field.
DF orders = placed_by order_id exchange_order_id parent_order_id status status_message status_message_raw order_timestamp exchange_update_timestamp exchange_timestamp variety exchange tradingsymbol instrument_token order_type transaction_type validity product quantity disclosed_quantity price trigger_price average_price filled_quantity pending_quantity cancelled_quantity market_protection meta tag tags guid
9 RV2678 201210201270484 1000000006791722 None TRIGGER PENDING None None 2020-12-10 10:53:51 2020-12-10 10:53:51 2020-12-10 10:53:51 regular NSE BANKBARODA 1195009 SL-M BUY DAY MIS 156 0 0 64.3 0.0 0 156 0 0
===========================Postback Update==================================
Attempt: UPDATE
{"placed_by":"RV2678","order_id":"201210201270484","exchange_order_id":"1000000006791722","parent_order_id":"","status":"UPDATE","status_message":"","status_message_raw":"","order_timestamp":"2020-12-10 10:53:51","exchange_update_timestamp":"2020-12-10 10:53:51","exchange_timestamp":"2020-12-10 10:53:51","variety":"regular","exchange":"NSE","tradingsymbol":"BANKBARODA","instrument_token":1195009,"order_type":"SL-M","transaction_type":"BUY","validity":"DAY","product":"MIS","quantity":133,"disclosed_quantity":0,"price":0,"trigger_price":75.05,"average_price":0,"filled_quantity":0,"pending_quantity":133,"cancelled_quantity":0,"market_protection":0,"meta":{},"tag":"aut-CLEINTB","tags":["aut-CLEINTB"],"guid":"5179Xfxbwer2et93k","user_id":"RV2678","unfilled_quantity":0,"app_id":5179,"checksum":"aa6a77c215379c8d6c7fbaa6b1afc420850788b4fa20327aa9827be200de3549"}-------------------Fields string End ----------------/n
Are you saying orderbook is not updated?
The postback is sent by the OMS team, we will ask them to look into this. In the meanwhile, we suggest you use postback as the trigger to fetch orderbook and check if the value is updated.