"This enables you to get arbitrary updates to your orders reliably, irrespective of when they happen (COMPLETE, CANCEL, REJECTED, UPDATE). An UPDATE postback is triggered when an open order is modified or when there's a partial fill. This can be used to track trades. "
Regarding this, when the user places the order from web UI manually and the order is in OPEN or VALIDATION PENDING, RMS Check pending etc states, will the postback url is triggered ?
Also, does the order updates come in order. For example, sometimes I found that order updates over websocket is coming not in order. Like the order complete update comes earlier than partial fill. Is it the same with postback url ?
Postbacks are only sent to a third party app, if order is placed from their app, if order is placed on Kite web or mobile app or any other platform then you will not get postbacks.
This is very unfortunate that Zerodha considers and provides this interface for specific usecase. In the meantime, there can be many uses cases that can use the postback url.
Anyway, if possible please make all order updates available over postback url updates.
I am afraid we can't do this. There are thousands of platforms that use Kite Connect APIs, every platform doesn't need to know the activity of the client that is happening outside of their platform. It becomes a case of security lapse.
The postbacks are asynchronous updates sent by the OMS.
It is not recommended to use postbacks to update order database at your end.
Use postbacks as an event to fetch orderbook,and use that to update your database.
In the meantime, there can be many uses cases that can use the postback url.
Anyway, if possible please make all order updates available over postback url updates.
For now, we will request you to use WebSocket order update, it's quite straightforward to use.
Is there any update on this ?