GUID from client side

trd1 edited April 2023 in Java client
I can see the GUID value in order response. Can the client send the GUID when placing an order using the Java SDK? If not, can you please add it as a param? Its the standard way to reliably prevent duplicate orders when a request times out.
  • rakeshr
    I can see the GUID value in order response
    It is internally created by hashing multiple fields related to that kiteconnect app and order, including app_id, order timestamp, etc, to prevent order duplication at the same time, etc at the OMS.
    Can the client send the GUID when placing an order using the Java SDK?
    No, as it's internally generated, this field is not externally accepted.
  • trd1
    Thanks for replying @rakeshr. Can you please add a backlog story to add externally provided UUID? Its a fairly common API construct and frankly a pretty obvious missing piece in a well designed API spec like Kite
  • dipendra
    @sujith @rakeshr Any update on client provided GUID/UUID?
    And if it's not present how can the client confidently retry request in case of failure without the risk of duplicate orders?
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