Access token timing

what is the timing cycle for 1 day correct access token ? is it from 3:00 AM to next day 3:00 AM ?

Thank you for your precious time.
  • profitbuddy
    the discussion you mention is long before in 2020, its been 4 years, so there would have been some changes in working of access token. for example, in the discussion you mentioned, the access token changes every time you ask for, but now access token remain same for the whole day even though you ask multiple time.

    so, I wanted to know what is the exact timing the access token gets renewed ?

    we were running our script to download historical data from kite, but at around 3:00 AM, the script gave error saying the access token has been expired. so we were left out to download some stocks data for the index Nifty Total Market.

  • rakeshr
    we were running our script to download historical data from kite, but at around 3:00 AM, the script gave error saying the access token has been expired.
    Yes, End of the Day(EOD) process runs post mid-night. You won't be able to access API in the mentioned period.
  • profitbuddy
    so I get my access token today at 6:00 AM, then till which exact time for the next day I can use the same access token ? can I use the same access token next day at 5:00 AM ?

    is it safe to get access token at 6:00 AM in the morning and use it throughout the day till 11:59 PM or 2:00 AM (next day) ?

    please clear my doubts about access tokens timings.
  • ANL
    Rakesh has already stated the token timings, and the logic is simple.
    Check the logic:

  • profitbuddy
    profitbuddy edited August 2024
    thank you for your time and explanation @ANL and @rakeshr
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