We encountered a peculiar issue today, our modification request was success but the order was not modified. Upon checking the order response, we found the status_message "The exchange connection (adapter) did not accept the order. Please retry." which implies some error with exchange communication.
The problem was, the status code 200 Ok was returned instead of 4xx, so our program assumed the the request was successful and didn't trigger any alarm.
I thought, you knew this. A 200 response for order modification request means request was placed at the OMS. Once the request is placed by user, order undergoes many systems and hops and then gets modified. End user has to pull orderbook and check if order modification happened or not. If order modification didn't happen then the reason will be there in the status_message field of the orderbook response.
Yes, aware of this. After checking the order status, we tried to modify the order multiple times, and eventually hit throttle limits. Every request was failed to modify the order.
Moreover, the error "The exchange connection (adapter) did not accept the order. Please retry." implies connectivity issue, and it's not regular validation or margin error, so OMS/API should ideally return 4xx.
If order modification didn't happen then the reason will be there in the status_message field of the orderbook response.
Yes, aware of this. After checking the order status, we tried to modify the order multiple times, and eventually hit throttle limits. Every request was failed to modify the order.
Moreover, the error "The exchange connection (adapter) did not accept the order. Please retry." implies connectivity issue, and it's not regular validation or margin error, so OMS/API should ideally return 4xx.
This issue has been acknowledged and resolved by zerodha. https://zerodha.com/marketintel/bulletin/330922/issue-with-orders-on-kite
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