"status":"error","message":"the user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"inputexc

I have only 1 account with zerodha.
When I login to https://kite.zerodha.com/connect/login?api_key=XYZ&v=4
I get username password and TOTP and after that it redirects me to https://kite.zerodha.com/connect/finish?api_key=XYZ&sess_id=36ZlqKx59BQja3HbVwvR4UGDcCVR2Ykc

I have used http://localhost:8000 as the redirect url

I get "status":"error","message":"the user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"inputexc

I tried this on incognito as well as regular chrome both
I tried looking up the other threads, they mention about loggin in with the correct account. However I have only 1 account !

I just paid the Rs 2000 before it allowed me to publish the app (to get the API keys and secret)

Do I have to wait for sometime for it to become active ?
  • rakeshr
    "message":"the user is not enabled for the app."
    Go through the login FAQs here.
  • sujith
    Go to developers console and check the app details page, you might have entered wrong client id while creating the Kite Connect app. Make sure to check for leading and trailing spaces as well.
  • mohit839
    Thanks so much. I had put the numerical clientID. Instead it worked when I put the alphanumeric Client ID which I use to login. When I corrected that, it worked.
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