What does this error mean ?

I got following responses on some of my orders

{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again.","data":null,"error_type":"NetworkException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}

My orders are not even showing in Kite tab Orders.

May you please explain the meaning of this error ?
  • sujith
    Can you private message the api_key? We will check and get back to you.
  • zhkas
    zhkas edited May 21
    Sent a message.
  • zhkas
    @sujith , Hi I have sent a dm to you, with error messages, please revert
  • sujith
    We have informed the concerned team to take a look at this.
  • Haroon2024
    I got only api_key but for my personal development I need a api_secret key also to fetch data from my trading account. I request here to guide me and do the needfuls
  • rakeshr
    I need a api_secret key
    You can get api_secret from the developer console.

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