What does this error mean ?

I got following responses on some of my orders

{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again.","data":null,"error_type":"NetworkException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
{"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}

My orders are not even showing in Kite tab Orders.

May you please explain the meaning of this error ?
  • sujith
    Can you private message the api_key? We will check and get back to you.
  • zhkas
    zhkas edited May 21
    Sent a message.
  • zhkas
    @sujith , Hi I have sent a dm to you, with error messages, please revert
  • sujith
    We have informed the concerned team to take a look at this.
  • Haroon2024
    I got only api_key but for my personal development I need a api_secret key also to fetch data from my trading account. I request here to guide me and do the needfuls
  • rakeshr
    I need a api_secret key
    You can get api_secret from the developer console.

  • zhkas
    @sujith any ETA
    , its been almost a month now
  • sujith
    We have asked the team to take a look at this. But it might take more time to fix. There are tens of thousands of AMOs fired at that time and traffic is very high at the market open. We suggest placing order after a few seconds.
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