Historical data is now free

Matti edited February 10 in General
We will no longer charge an additional ₹2000 fee for historical data on Kite Connect. With effect from February 8, 2025, we've stopped charging for the historical data add-on on Kite Connect. All existing connect apps have been granted historical data permission and new apps will come with the subscription auto-enabled. We've also removed the UI option to subscribe to the historical add-on from the developer console.

Happy investing! :-)
  • RaviR
    Hi. Is is possible to get minute OHLC data in Excel?I want around 3 to 5 years data for MCX commodities ,Equity Index and Stocks. If yes then how to get it.I already have a trading account with Zerodha.
  • sujith
    The add-on historical data subscription is free but you will still need the base Kite Connect subscription to fetch historical data. Kite Connect provides json data in the response, you can populate it at your end into excel.
    You can check out historical data API documentation here.
  • MihirSutariya
    Hi, for me getting access denied while fetching historical data. I have created application on 16th Feb.
    Fetching instrument list works.
  • sujith
    You may checkout the reply here.
  • kann87
    Good Initiative and great relief , Kudos to entire the team for this step forward
  • raja1sttarde
    this is super!!! thank you very much!!!
  • abokade
    Its a great news. I was just looking at other broker for free historic data or with minimal cost. Thanks for making historic api free.
    Can you please show me where can I find documentation for C# historic API?
  • sujith
    You can refer to the documentation here.
  • abokade
    abokade edited February 20
    Thanks @sujith .
    What is the throttling limit of the historic API? Of course i understand that its not for fetching data per second. How frequent we can query to it for fresh data?
  • Sravanthi_bh
    Sravanthi_bh edited February 20
    You can make up to 3 requests per second. You may refer to the similar discussion here.
  • pranksterguru
    data for previous month's f/o product also available? even if it is expried
  • Milind_K
    Super news! Thank you so much.

    Is it too much to ask for support of "continuous" series for Options as well? e.g. NIFTY22500CE (sans expiration date)
  • sujith
    @pranksterguru, @Milind_K,
    Kite Connect only provides day candle data for expired futures instruments.
  • ketansp
    This is great news. Thanks a tonne Zerodha team.
  • anilsaxena
    This is great news, will you be processing refunds for those subscribed to historical API?
  • yuvrajkhanna
    Hi. Sorry i am new to this kite connect. can you guide me a bit. is there a cost associated with downloading data? like once i buy this 2000rs subscription. i will receive some credits and does each download of historical data cost some credits or its totally free once i have the subscription. also can you tell me if options data is also available or not and if yes, can you tell me from how much back.
  • Sravanthi_bh
    1. Once you have the subscription to API, you can fetch historical data without additional cost.
    2. You can get historical data for the active options contract. Go through the documentation here.
    PS: Historical data won't be available for the expired option contract.
  • Sravanthi_bh
    @anilsaxena please write to kiteconnect(@zerodha.com regarding the refund part.
  • sanjayssk
    Just talked to a Zerodha support for API subscriptions and she didn't know that historical is free now. Discovered it here. This is great. But just in case you don't know, ICICIDirect Breeze API is completely free to a customer. They make money only from the trades that are executed through the API. It makes sense to give it free to existing customers. Any chances of Zerodha making this API free move too? Please forward to your decision makers.

  • Matti
    Will pass this on and see what we can do @sanjayssk :-)
  • abhijitvenad
    Can someone please help with the python code to pull the historical data for a decade, need industry mapping, stock name, date and stock price
  • zhkas
    This is beautiful
    Kudos to the team

    I want to ask more though
    May you please make tick by tick historical data available too ?
    As current historical data has no info what happened in 1 min, compare to tick by tick real time data which has info upto 3 ticks per seconds.
    I keep dumping the tick by tick data to my database and use it for back-testing but still found issue when I want to back-test some instruments for which I was not downloading ,e.g. stock option data which I need now.
    May you please provide the whole day dump for asked instruments in one go as a binary file, or may be some other approach?
    It will be very helpful.
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