Kite connect 3.0 max sessions


Can anyone guide me how many kiteconnect 3.0 objects can i open. I think one session or object will be reserved for websocket. So can i open another session or object with same requesttoken, publictoken, apikey and accesstoken for placing orders?
  • Imran
    You can subscribe up to 1000 instruments/shares in a single WebSocket connection, and for one user you can have 3 WebSocket connection, so you can stream maximum of 3000 shares for one user. because all WebSockets will be independent of each other, there will be no cross-connection

    Same public token, api key can be used for each websocket connection
    new request token should be generated for each session

    It is mandatory by the exchange that a trader has to log in at least once in a day. Hence all the access tokens are flushed every morning at around 7:30 AM
    so you will need to generate a new access token everyday
  • bharathm1
    Thanks but for placing orders i require another object right. Can i open another kiteconnect object with same inputs?
  • sujith
    You can create any number of Kite Connect objects. You just need to re-use access token and not generate another one.
    The restriction is only for the number of websocket (Kite Ticker) connections and number of tokens you can subscribe for.
  • rakeshr
    Yeah, you can open multiple kite connect session with same API inputs, but you need to take care of rate limit while performing API calls.Check all rate limit here.
  • bharathm1
    Thanks sujith, Imran and rakeshr for clarifying my doubt
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