Introducing Kite Connect Personal APIs — Free APIs for personal use

Matti edited March 17 in General
We are excited to announce the launch of Kite Connect Personal, a new offering that gives you free access to your Zerodha account with all the essential features of Kite Connect, minus the market data (both real-time and historical). You can place orders, track your positions, holdings, and funds with Kite Connect Personal as long as you have a source for market data.

To get started, simply create a new Personal app on the Developer Console, and get started!

  • krishkalyani
    It's good news, Postback url option doesn't exist then how do we get realtime order updates
  • venu_kite
    I have created a personal account but I didnt get a secret key generated.
  • krishkalyani
    Hi Please ignore the my previous message. I gree with venu, secret key is not available
  • ashutoshsahu
    I also don't see the api secret
  • Anony
    Does not work yet.
  • Matti
    We're checking this.
  • priyesh
    when secret key's issue will be fixed ?
  • ravisw82
    I created personal app, it has created API key, but API secret is not generated.
  • Vivek
    Do check now, it should show up.
  • ravisw82
    Yes, now it is showing up, Thanks Vivek
  • krishkalyani
    Its Working now
  • krishkalyani
    krishkalyani edited March 15

    Its really appreciate Kite Team on bringing free version for personal use.

    As a developer to place an new order or updating trailing stop loss we are using LTP prices for securing price fluctuations for New Order / Modify Order. I think at least GetLTP , Get MarketQuote API would requires to start use Personal Kite API.

    I have checked GetLTP , Get MarketQuote API both are returning errors as "Insufficient permission for that call", Can you please discuss with your team to add these two API calls to Personal Use API
  • amman777
    I Totally agree with you, atleast we should get GetLTP in this free version
  • Matti
    Hey @krishkalyani @amman777, it isn't scalable to offer data for free. There is a cost to maintaining the infrastructure to offer these APIs and data is quite a large part of that cost.
  • abhi_shah
    Hey @Matti
    This is great!
    Does the Personal API support websocket order updates?
  • v4vikash
    v4vikash edited March 17
    Login is not working with the personal api key.

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Invalid `api_key`.",
    "data": null,
    "error_type": "InputException"

    EDIT: It started working after a bit of time.
  • krishkalyani
    @Matti ,

    It's our request only. Having ltp price would help for quick trades. Without ltp price one should have enter price manually from our own UI, this will lead no use of personal API for intraday traders and company wont get brokerage for each trade in automation.

    I can understand this is business descision. Thanks for your reply.

    Will continue with monthly chargeable subscription

  • HF3810
    Receiving error while trying to generate token

    {"status":"error","message":"Invalid `api_key`.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
  • Matti
    Try changing the app status to "Paused" and back to active. Should fix this for you. We're looking into why it happened in the first place.
  • newtrader1
    newtrader1 edited March 21
    Please give LTP at reduced price.
  • SharadKothari
    SharadKothari edited March 21
    Apart from: Kiteticker, kite.quote and kite.historical_quote, which command will not work in personal.

    If everything else works, that I might have just one connect account for multiple accounts in the family.
  • Matti
    Everything else indeed works, @SharadKothari
  • enigmaticvision
    enigmaticvision edited March 21
    I get error while connecting through "personal" of Zerodha

    error is as below : {"status":"error","message":"Invalid `api_key`.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}

    Code used:
    from kiteconnect import KiteConnect
    import pandas as pd

    api_key = "ycavr5szpoa6nzmp"
    api_secret = "r7sp4mvujmos2lcwhbrpywj3miebdgii"
    kite = KiteConnect(api_key=api_key)

    URL :

    NOTE : API key and api_secret is not correct here intentionally . I used correct one in my code

  • impratikthakkar
    what are the best use cases of personal api (without market data) that you have come across?
  • impratikthakkar
    is it possible to post orders from tradingview to zerodha using personal API?
  • chinmay227
    @impratikthakkar yes, you can use webhooks to send alerts, which can be used to send a buy or sell order based on your strategy. you also wouldn't need to get Connect for this as your data source would be tradingview
  • niksya
    niksya edited March 23
    @v4vikash How much time did it take ? Facing same issue for more than 2-3 hours.
    @enigmaticvision were you able to solve this ? If yes could you please share steps involved ?

    I was able to solve by pausing and marking active again. Thanks!
  • Glen
    Hey how do I change the type of the current app from "Kite connect + Historical Chart data" to just "Kite connect"? Do I need to delete this existing app and create a new one? There's not other option to just change the type?
  • Sravanthi_bh
    You can continue using the app until the subscription expires while simultaneously you can create the app with a Personal API.

  • chpadma
    chpadma edited March 24
    Facing this issue when I tried free API,
    raise exp(data["message"], code=r.status_code)
    kiteconnect.exceptions.TokenException: Token is invalid or has expired.
    The error is coming at line
                session = broker.generate_session(requestToken, api_secret=appSecret)
    I am passing the new requestToken I got from url, then new appSecret.
  • sujith
    Are you sure you are using the right api_key and app_secret? Please create a new thread for the issues, it may help others who are looking for similar solution. Don't hijack existing threads.
  • bhaskarsancheti
    Hi, I am getting an error message Login Failed! error: route not found - getting this error on stoxxo an execution platform, but not having any issues with paid api login on the same software.
  • akraghavendran
    akraghavendran edited March 24
    nice feature addition. Thank you
  • sujith
    Are you getting this after login or before that?

    PS: Please create a new thread for the issues, it may help others who are looking for similar solution. Don't hijack existing threads.
This discussion has been closed.